1. Introduction to DBMS
Database: Organized collection of data.
DBMS (Database Management System): Software to create, manage, and manipulate databases.
Examples: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server.
2. Database Models
Relational Model: Data is stored in tables (relations). Uses SQL for querying.
NoSQL: Includes document stores (MongoDB), key-value stores (Redis), column stores (Cassandra), and graph databases (Neo4j).
3. SQL Basics
DDL (Data Definition Language):
for defining and modifying schema.DML (Data Manipulation Language):
for managing data.DCL (Data Control Language):
for permissions.TCL (Transaction Control Language):
for transaction management.
4. Normalization
1NF (First Normal Form): No repeating groups or arrays.
2NF (Second Normal Form): 1NF + no partial dependency.
3NF (Third Normal Form): 2NF + no transitive dependency.
BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form): Stricter version of 3NF.
5. Keys in Relational Model
Primary Key: Unique identifier for a record.
Foreign Key: Reference to a primary key in another table.
Composite Key: Primary key consisting of multiple columns.
Candidate Key: Columns that can uniquely identify a row.
Alternate Key: Candidate keys not chosen as primary key.
6. Indexing
Purpose: Speed up query performance.
Clustered: Data is stored in the index order.
Non-clustered: Separate structure from the data storage.
Unique Index: Ensures all values are unique.
Full-text Index: For fast searching within text columns.
7. Transactions
ACID Properties:
Atomicity: All operations are completed, or none are.
Consistency: Database remains consistent before and after the transaction.
Isolation: Transactions do not interfere with each other.
Durability: Once committed, changes are permanent.
8. Concurrency Control
Pessimistic Locking: Locks data until transaction is complete.
Optimistic Locking: Checks for data changes before committing.
Isolation Levels:
Read Uncommitted: Dirty reads allowed.
Read Committed: No dirty reads.
Repeatable Read: No dirty or non-repeatable reads.
Serializable: No dirty, non-repeatable, or phantom reads.
9. Database Backup and Recovery
Backup Types: Full, Differential, Incremental.
Recovery Models: Simple, Full, Bulk-Logged.
Log-Based Recovery: Uses transaction logs to restore database state.
10. ER Model (Entity-Relationship Model)
Entities: Objects or things in the database.
Attributes: Properties of entities.
Relationships: Associations between entities.
ER Diagrams: Visual representation of the database structure.
11. Advanced SQL
Joins: Combining rows from two or more tables.
Inner Join: Rows with matching values.
Left Join: All rows from the left table, matched rows from the right.
Right Join: All rows from the right table, matched rows from the left.
Full Join: All rows when there is a match in either table.
Subqueries: Query within a query.
Views: Virtual tables created by a query.
Stored Procedures: Precompiled collections of SQL statements.
Triggers: Automatically executed responses to certain events on a table.
12. NoSQL Databases
Document Stores: JSON-like documents (MongoDB).
Key-Value Stores: Key-value pairs (Redis).
Column Stores: Data stored in columns (Cassandra).
Graph Databases: Nodes and relationships (Neo4j).
13. Data Warehousing and OLAP
Data Warehouse: Central repository for integrated data from various sources.
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Process of loading data into a warehouse.
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): Analyzing data in multiple dimensions.
14. Big Data Technologies
Hadoop: Framework for distributed storage and processing.
MapReduce: Programming model for processing large datasets.
Spark: In-memory data processing framework.